This morning I remembered that I still needed to decorate a notebook insert for 2018. I use several inserts in my Midori, but I always like to carry one that is year-specific. So, I was excited to break out the Cotman watercolors I received for Christmas and get started.
I enjoy having quotes or phrases to look at--particularly if they've inspired me at a certain point in time. I was able to include several. They do appear a little eccentric when put together, but I felt that they depicted the way I felt about the previous year...and what I wanted to keep in mind for this one.
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." ― Lao Tzu
“I have always had more dread of a pen, a bottle of ink, and a sheet of paper than of a sword or pistol.” ― Alexandre Dumas
“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” ― Kalu Ndukwe Kalu
I hope that you all have enjoyed the holiday season and make the most out of the new year. As I head back into my old routine, the same remains in my heart.

This is such a great idea, the notebook looks lovely with your added page. You're so talented, and I love it. This is something I would definitely like to give a go.
Little Moon Elephant