I thought it was about time that I put together a watercolor chart for my Winsor & Newton Cotman watercolor paints. Mixing colors and painting small squares took a little while, but was enjoyable.
The set that I usually use is the Cotman sketchers' pocket box, which consists of 12 half pans. However, I used and swapped out two of the original paints. My set is now comprised of:
lemon yellow hue
cadmium yellow hue
yellow ochre
cadmium red pale hue
rose madder hue*
phthalo blue
sap green
viridian hue
burnt sienna
indian red*
burnt umber
*did not come with original set
Below is the scanned color chart.
Below is the scanned color chart.

I don't know about you, but I always find the mixing and blending of colors to be so fascinating.
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